Locate New Items

Do you want to see what just arrived?  Are you anxious to get your hands on the latest best seller?  Whether you have something specific in mind, or just want to view the latest additions to your library, New Items in the Search options provides what you need.  

To Search New Items

Result sets for New Items are similar to those found for Keyword searches.  See the result set example below for new 'Authors' that 'contain' the word(s) 'Rose':


At the top of the result set dialog the fields and keyword(s) used in your search display.  The number of titles found with the search criteria is displayed, as shown in the example above, '1 to 1 of 1.'  Click the title to review the label display for each item in the result set.

See Understand Individual Search Result or Understand Label Displays for more information about the individual items in the result set.
See also Do a Browse Search or Do an Advanced Search.